Sunday, May 22, 2011

Shadows That Never Left

The greatest source of joy and of constant worry. Yet, most days are a reminder about why it all began in the first place. Unfathomably sweet, with a tinge of saltiness. Still sweet.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Hankering For You

"I long for the moment where we were both weak and needed each other. Now we are both stronger and you are less inhibited, less expressive, and less mine."

Thursday, May 12, 2011

For The Yesteryear That Brought About Today

The sum of everything is just us. A light, piquant odor, remnants of the precipitation that gently dwells on the consciousness, and just our hands. So silent. It's yours and mine now.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

When There Is No One At All

Is paralyzed pronounced to mean 'perilized'? Or 'parealized'? Because you can either count the time to your departure, or, in your eternal incapacitation, be lucid for the first time ever.

How To Boil A Man

Hi, my name is Summer and I am your resident bastard. The dish of the day: Roast the Insouciant Fatty.